Resource Hub

United Way Suncoast
United Way Suncoast is a valued leader and vital resource for representatives of local, state, and federal government in the development and enactment of legislation, regulations, and procedures that are beneficial to the citizens of DeSoto, Hillsborough, Manatee, Pinellas and Sarasota Counties, as well as to United Way and its constituents.

Wealth Opportunities Realized Through Homeownership
The WORTH Collaborative began with support from Wells Fargo Bank and consist of a cross-sector partnership of the organizations aligned around a common issue. An action plan was developed for increasing the supply of attainable housing, improving buyer awareness of programs and housing options, leveraging funding opportunities and changing policies that create barriers to housing stability. Through shared ideas, resources and talent, the WORTH Collaborative partners developed a strategy and implementation plan to ensure that the workforce is stably housed.
Organizational members of Hillsborough WORTH are key partners of the Housing Leadership Council Leadership Teams. They include housing developers, local governmental agencies, lenders, national affordable housing innovators, lease-purchase intermediaries, HUD-certified homebuyer counseling agencies, realtors, U.S. Treasury-certified CDFIs, advocacy and research organizations, and others committed to the goals.

CDC of Tampa
Corporation to Develop Communities of Tampa, Inc. (CDC of Tampa) creates opportunities for people to build prosperous futures and vibrant communities. We create opportunities by deploying comprehensive community development strategies that connect workforce development, housing and real estate with education, resident leadership and community safety to drive economic prosperity.