Leadership Teams

Leadership Teams

Each Leadership Team comprises board members, staff members, Council members, and volunteers with relevant expertise in the respective area.

We take pride in our governance structure and believe that it enables us to operate with transparency, accountability, and integrity as we work toward achieving our mission.

Within our board of directors’ governance structure, we have established several leadership teams to ensure that our organization runs smoothly.

Below you find a short description of each leadership teams.

Program Leadership Teams

Our organization has developed four Program Leadership Teams to deliver the Council’s mission and strategic plan to deliver its impact.

Each Program Leadership Team consists of Council members and at least one Board member who will serve as the Leadership Team Chair for the Team and will also serve on the Executive Leadership Team.


Builder Producer Leadership Team

The Builder Producer Leadership Team will equip affordable and workforce developers to successfully compete in Tampa Bay’s red hot housing market, to secure developable land and property in order to accelerate production of affordable housing and workforce housing.

Home Access Support Leadership Team

The Home Access Support Leadership Team will increase the number of mortgage ready home seekers with a focus on the BIPOC community entering the market and enrich the breadth of resources available to them to grow the number who become and remain homeowners. The Team will explore housing options, leveraging funding opportunities to reduce homelessness, educate tenants and landlords to reduce rental turnover and evictions, and explore policies and programs that reduce barriers to home ownership and housing stability.

Capital Access Leadership Team

 The Capital Access Leadership Team will research and create unique new capital sources and partnerships that aid home builders and buyers in overcoming major impediments to production, and inventory sustainability including competition from cash buyers, and in maximizing the use of capital already available.


Policy and Capacity Building Leadership Team

The Policy and Capacity Building Leadership Team will advocate for policy and process at the city, county, and state levels that streamlines and lower costs for attainable housing development and increases the supply of affordable and workforce housing within sustainable communities as a result. Housing and Planning Public Policy is more specialized, requiring more topical expertise (related to legislation) than general Advocacy. Public Policy and/or Advocacy Team members study the news from a local up to a potentially global scale, and engage in ongoing research that is relevant to the organization’s mission and programming. Team members work with the other Leadership Team Chairs and staff to establish preliminary positions and strategies on issues of relevance. Team members then advance potential actions to the full board for consideration. Members of this Team may also advocate and directly educate employers, chambers, and elected and appointed public officials at the local, state, and national level.

Executive Leadership Team

 The Executive Leadership Team composed of officers, board members, and Leadership Team chairs. The Leadership Team chairs typically meet more frequently than Executive Leadership Team which is the entire board. The Leadership Team Chair meetings provide a nimbleness can be beneficial to timely discussion, decision-making, and recommended action. However, the Leadership Teams Chairs do not take over the decision-making process of the entire board. The Executive Leadership Team will also serve as the HR or People Ops department in the non-profit professional sphere. These Team members may draft personnel policies, job descriptions, and salary structures. They also review salary increases and benefits packages. The Executive Leadership Team may also hear staff grievances about the organization’s departmental managers or executive director, but generally only after a formal complaint has been lodged.


Finance and Grants Leadership Team

The Finance and Grants Leadership Team - sometimes called the Budget Team - reviews our organization’s internally-prepared budget. The Team also liaises with staff to create accurate financial reports. This Team also reports on any budgetary concerns or opportunities (dwindling capital for special projects, a potentially lucrative partnership, etc.) This Team also establishes guidelines for reserve funds, lines of credit, and investments. If your board does not have a separate standing or ad-hoc audit Team, the finance Team will also help select an auditor and work with them to conduct regular audits. The Fundraising and Grants Leadership Team plans and directs our organization’s fundraising efforts. This Team isn't solely responsible for raising money, but it certainly spearheads the board's fundraising activities. This Team works with staff to establish a fundraising plan, which may include grants, annual events, auctions, end-of-the-year requests, and other activities. This Team often works alongside staff on their fundraising efforts and sometimes even takes the lead for specific initiatives. This Team also ensures the timely, appropriate acknowledgment of donors and keeps track of donor solicitation expenses. The Audit Leadership Team selects and works with an auditor for your organization's annual audit. This work is a subset of the Finance and Grants Leadership Team and acts as a separate ad-hoc Team. The annual audit is generally our organization's only outside review, making it a critical governance tool - so this Team’s responsibilities are paramount!


Media and Community Outreach/Marketing and Communications Leadership Team

This Leadership Team develops and oversees public relations, communication, web-site management and resources, social media, and branding that supports our organization’s mission. This may include defining the overall brand; creating and managing a schedule of internal and external communications across multiple platforms, including members, member organizations, board members, leadership teams, and donor communications; maintaining relationships with local news outlets and journalists; managing the social media presence of the executive director and the organization as a whole; bolstering social media engagement by responding to questions and comments from followers; spearheading our organization’s communication strategy in crisis situations; and the creation of original written and/or visual content (or hiring/delegating that creation).

Board Development/Governance Leadership Team

The Board Development Leadership Team - sometimes called the Nominating or Governance Team - finds new board members and directs board enrichment activities. Essentially, this Team exists to help the board (and ultimately the organization) reach its full potential. This Team establishes best practices for board maintenance and development, strategic recruitment of strong potential board candidates, and ongoing revitalization of the board and the organization at large. Self-assessment, leadership development, and maintaining a positive culture are key to this Team’s success. The Board Development/Governance Leadership Teams evaluate existing programs; oversees the expansion of existing programs and the development of new programs; and facilitates board conversations about the organization’s programs at large.

ByLaws Leadership Team

A Bylaws Leadership Team is formed to review the organization’s bylaws and current practices to ensure that they’re in sync and adhering to best practices and governance trends. Over time, it’s not uncommon for an organization’s operations to evolve so that they no longer follow original bylaws. The Bylaws Leadership Team assesses why this has happened, then recommends changes to either the organization’s practices or its bylaws. An ad-hoc Bylaws Team may be established by the Board Development/Governance Team.

Housing Leadership Council of Tampa Bay Inc

Regional Management Oversight Leadership Team

Statewide or regional organizations with geographically far-flung board members are often sub-optimally connected with the daily efforts and achievements of their organization's staff. To keep the board as plugged in as possible, our board establishes a Management Oversight Leadership Team that meets every 4-6 weeks. Team members typically live close to the organization's local County office and personally meet with staff to review in-office operations, concerns, and culture. This may include personnel issues, financial matters, and any other issues that might interest the board. This Team reports its findings at regular board meetings.


Strategic Planning Leadership Team

Our organization may elect to create and/or revise a strategic plan every 2-5 years; this intensive process generally takes less than a year to complete. To create the new strategic plan, this Team may work closely with Executive, Finance and Grants, Board Development/Governance and/or the Regional Management Oversight Leadership Teams. After the new strategic plan is complete, this Team may also monitor the implementation of the new plan and report on its progress to the full board.

Each Leadership Team comprises board members, staff members, Council members, and volunteers with relevant expertise in the respective area.

We take pride in our governance structure and believe that it enables us to operate with transparency, accountability, and integrity as we work toward achieving our mission.

Executive Director and Transition Leadership Teams

When needed, these Teams spearhead the search for a new executive director and create a smooth transition between the outgoing and incoming directors. They establish a search process and a transition plan with the help of the current executive director. Generally, the Team presents a selection of candidates to the whole board for consideration. Once the new executive is hired, this Team helps the new director succeed as they transition into their new role.