Housing Leadership Council of Tampa Bay gathers WORTH Coalition Partners, housing leaders and stakeholders to address Tampa Bay housing crisis

Make sure you have marked your calendar for Monday, October 23, 2023 to join our WORTH Coalition Partners, housing advocates, builders, developers, financial institutions, financial counseling organizations, and policy leaders as the Council’s Leadership Teams are assembled to review the WORTH Coalition Strategy and Implementation Plan. 

We will meet at 9am until 3:30pm with a break for lunch to review the mission of the Council and the WORTH Collaborative Plan adopted by Housing Leadership Council. The WORTH Coalition Partners will have the opportunity to lead each Leadership Team in break out groups to review and identify each teams mission, strategies and implementation goals for 2024. 

If your organization has been a WORTH Coalition Partner, please make sure you are present or send a representative to ensure your participation in this effort continues. Your leadership is truly appreciated and the impact of your work will be realized through the Leadership Teams of the Housing Leadership Council of Tampa Bay. 

Sign up today to secure your seat at the table.  

To review the WORTH Collaborative Plan, visit here.